Saturday, September 8, 2007

Romps in the bed...

Our Dear Children (DC) love to romp in bed with mommy and daddy. Earlier today, DD was hiding from her brother and I. Naturally it was under the covers while mommy pretended to sleep. I'm not sure how this family bedtime started, but it continues to be a lot of fun for us. I laid down beside HJ on the other side of the bed and kept pretending that I was bumping into mommy. The next thing I hear is "hey, daddy just put his bum on my head, get it off!!!!" Naturally we started giggling and DS proceeds to bounce on his sister under the covers. These are the moments in our day that makes having kids a lot of fun.

The other thing our DC love to do is bounce like Tigger on the bed and fall forward flat onto their faces. I'm not sure how this could be much bun, but DS loves to free fall. He is such an adventurous kid and seemingly has no fear when it comes to things like that, and yet at the same time, would rather be carried down the stairs rather than walking down them by himself. Go figure. We are eternally thankful for our two children.

One last note, tonight on the way back from the "big" city near us, DD was in the back of the car singing about how Jesus died on the cross so that everyone could live with him one day. Talk about moments that make your heart proud! I can't believe that she gets the core message of the Bible already at the tender age of 4 1/2. Thank God for his grace to teach our kids what is truly important.