Friday, September 7, 2007

DD is excited about gymnastics

DD was so excited today at the prospect of doing some gymnastics. If you know anything about her, she just loves to tumble, stand on her head, and any other crazy thing she can do. Tonight, we took her to one of our local fine arts centers to check it out and see about enrolling her in a gymnastics class. They only take 5-6 students per class time and were all filled up with the exception of the class we went to tonight. Needless to say, we enrolled her and she starts next week. Tomorrow will wrap up our first official week of homeschooling her. It has been fun so far. I can now understand why my wife's sister loves to use Sonlight for her children in Bangladesh. It is an awesome program and the forums that we are on have been a great way to learn about this new way of life. Our little Aerie is going to be a great learning experience for all of us. I can't wait to see what God will do for us in the upcoming year.

By the way, we are hoping that this will also be an informal way for our family to stay in contact and get to know us better. It has been hard these past several years being away from a part of the family when they are missionaries serving a much needed compound to leprosy. Obviously we can't give much details about them, but I will say we are really looking forward to their furlough in a few short months and spending some time with them. Did we mention that we are going to take a "school field trip" to Disney World? Okay, maybe not, but I think it will be awesome to really be able to compare notes about schooling, life and everything else while we are all there as a family.

As you read the post below this one, I also want to say thanks to our Papa B for helping us name our school. We love the title!