Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Doubling up the days...

Well, after doing almost a week and a half of our Core B program, we have decided that our dd could handle a little more challenges, so we are going to do two days of school according to the curriculum for each day we do school. So far we are keeping to M-F schedules, but we will see how it goes.

This morning, Daddy Eagle and dc were out playing in the grass. It was a wonderful time to let the kids explore. I caught a lightning bug and gave it to HJ. She thought it was the neatest thing to see one up close. I showed her where the light came from and she was looking very intently at it. But once it took off she was pretty shocked, almost scared even. Then we looked at all the crickets we have in our backyard. I have never seen so many in all my life! They were jumping all over the yard. HJ and LA really enjoyed watching them. HJ even had one sitting in her hand for a little while. Then they started looking for the ants. WHO needs public school when God has provided an unexpected "science" lesson just by being outside. Isn't this the way school should be? HJ is enjoying the readings. Today we read a story called "Tiger eats a Monkey" At first HJ was afraid for the cute monkeys on the page. But as we read the story, the tiger was tricked into eating a horrible disgusting fruit from a tanamark (sp?) tree and the monkey was saved. She was listening very intently to the story. Mama Eagle has been doing great with keeping HJ on task with the workbook portions and we are both sharing in the stories. I think we are going to really enjoy teaching our kids.

Well, goodnight for now from the Aerie! John