Friday, September 7, 2007

Our first week of school...

I can't believe we are finally finished with our first week of school. Our DD just continues to amaze me with her grasp of learning new things. The Developing the Early Learner (DEL) workbook we have been using this week is designed to test a students perceptual skills in several areas. I don't know if our dear sister-in-law has been using these with her kids or not, but it is neat to see how DD reacts to different skills like auditory/memory skills versus perceptual skills. She is eager to try new things all the time, but she also wants to try them by herself. Her favorite phrase with me is "Daddy, you just don't understand what I'm trying to tell you." Should I really believe this or not? DD gets so frustrated when I try to even remotely explain things to her. She is obviously going to be one of those dear children who have to learn the hard knock life her own way.

On the other hand, DS is such a snuggle bug. He loves to "wock" in the rocking chair with mommie and I. He is going to be quit the charmer when he grows up. I'm not sure where he gets it from, but my dear wife says it is probably from me. It's kind of hard to resist a kid with big eyelashes and a charming smile. Watch out ladies, he may be more than you bargained for. On the other hand, he is also a very rough and tumble boy. He loves to play with daddy, especially climbing on daddy's back and bouncing all the time. I'm not sure how he is learning it, but already he is taking more boo boo's then his sister and crying less about it. DD has reached the point of hormonal influx already where one look or wrong word from me and she is in absolute tears. "What did I say or do?" My wife keeps telling me it's a "girl" thing. I sure hope so! But if she is already starting at 4 1/2 years, what is life with HJ going to be like in 10 years? Maybe that's why the kids are so charming at this age? So you don't pummel them later in life because they have already won your heart. GRRR! But that is what parenthood is all about really--loving your kids so much that you don't kill them, but at the same time learning to gently correct and discipline them for life in the real world with the hopes that one day they will learn to love the Lord Our God as much as their parents.

Well stay tuned for more in the next few weeks. We may actually find ourselves speading up our reading/homework sheets just because HJ is sooooo ready for them.


Sherilyn said...

I haven't used the early learner series. It is new. Perhaps it would be helpful for Daniel, however. I will have to look it up. Sounds like Daniel and HJ could be in the same class! I hope they enjoy each other's company!

Papa and Mama Eagle said...

We can't wait until we are home together to share stories and school notes. HJ and DS2 are going to have fun together. Oh, did we tell you that LA loves Cars too?