Friday, September 28, 2007
More on Luke...
Posted by Andrea at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Science Project
Today in school we did a little science experiment from the Big Book of Science that I bought a while ago. The whole family had fun and the project was a success.
Hannah says, "I had a lot of fun and I loved in when all the colors flew around. The End. "
Posted by Andrea at 5:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
The fair
Hannah and I took some mother daughter time and went to the fair Wednesday afternoon. We had a nice time and really got to enjoy the animals as it was not crowed at all. She was able to pet a horse, sheep, pig, and cow. We talked about the differences in the animal's fur and such. She also watch the elephant show which she really enjoyed seeing how they are her favorite animal. She was most excited about the cotton candy however, especially the pink flavor.
That reminds me of something she said that day. She was very eager to see the pigs and I asked why. She said, "I like them because they're pink." I should have known.
Posted by Andrea at 12:17 PM 0 comments
My children are miracles. I know that is not really profound except when you truly think about it. Children are God's miracles for us. They are tangible grace, completely undeserved. They work little miracles in my heart everyday too.
We were getting ice cream the other day and when Hannah got her kid sized dish John said, "Hannah it is just the right size for you." To which Hannah replied, "They must have remembered me."
Hannah has been having a hard time with lying. Today on the way to gymnastics, we were listening to the radio and heard the end of a popular christian children's radio show. It happened to be on lying. Hannah caught on and asked me this, "How did they know he was lying." I think she was trying to get some pointers for lying success. Today she tried to charm me out of a lie. She said something under her breath to me, I think negative but I'm not sure. When I asked her what she said she replied, "I said you are so beautiful mommy." I know that's not what she really said. For miracles, they sure sin a lot. Unlike me, God can see into my heart and know when I am lying no matter what. I would do well to remember that.
Luke on the other hand is a miracle in his own way. I never thought he would be doing so well at this point. The kid talks a lot and usually very clearly. He knows what he wants and makes no bones about it. The kids have been playing house the last few days. At one point today Hannah said it was night time and so they laid down for a few seconds until Luke pops up with, "Morning time!" Hannah didn't like being overruled but Luke was ready to play again.
I wonder what they'll be like in 10 or 20 years.
Posted by Andrea at 1:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tongue Spankings..
Earlier tonight I had to discipline HJ for lying to me. Andrea and I have been working on this for a while. We keep threatening to "spank" her tongue when she gives us a bad attitude or in this case lies to us. Well, tonight, I caught her trying to blame her brother for something that only HJ could have done. LAJ, our ds, was right beside her, but not tall enough to spill the butter and frozen corn on the floor. I wasn't mad at her, but made her tell me what happened. Then she tried to blame it on LAJ before I made her stand in the corner. Then she said it was an accident. Saying it was an "accident" is her favorite way of getting out of trouble. Well, tonight I had enough of it, so while she was standing in the corner, I put some Frank's on a spoon and went in to talk to her. At first I was going to have her close her eyes and open her mouth. She looked and saw it coming. She knew right away what it was. I told her that there are consequences for lying. I also explained how much God hates lying and how it hurts mommy and daddy, not to mention anyone else caught up in the lie. So she tried keeping her hands in front of her mouth and didn't want to taste it. Needless to say, she got more than she wanted to on her tongue after being "spanked" with the hot sauce. Afterwards, we had a long talk and a good hug. It amazes me how much children will try to do whatever they can to get away from punishment. It also makes me question my own spiritual life in understanding how God must hate to discipline us when we sin with our tongue. James had a lot to say about controlling our tongues. I hope that HJ learned a valuable lesson in keeping her tongue from lying tonight as well.
Posted by Papa Eagle at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
First day of Gymnastics!
Yesterday, our dd started her first day of gymnastics. She has been wanting to do this for the longest time. At first I thought she would be in a class of five other girls, but when we got there, there was only one other girl in the class. So there was a lot of attention given to both of them. First they got their carpets and did stretches. The picture here is something they do after each station that they practice. They do the "tada" stance. Then they started doing a lot of basic sections. They went to the springboard to start learning how to jump on the platform. Then they went and learned how to do somersaults. They did the normal tuck-down roll-forward, then from a leg-spread stance, then they did them backwards. From there they got to practice on the bar and dd loved hanging upside down like a monkey. She even got to walk on a balance beam. She really had a lot of fun. Once some additional girls got there for the next section, HJ and the girls got to play with a parachute. She loved hiding under it. Well, more about this later when Andrea gets to go next week. I'm sure it will be more exciting from her perspective then mine. :-)
Posted by Papa Eagle at 9:19 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Funny Faces--Aren't we cute?
Here's our two kiddo's making funny faces at mommy. Mommy was playing around with the kids the other night, I thought some of you might enjoy seeing how wonderful they are. Ds has now had two surgeries for his cleft lip/palette. If you ask me, it is pretty amazing how God has created such a handsome little man for us to enjoy. Did I mention that he is a real charmer already? Just ask his mommy.
Posted by Papa Eagle at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: cleft lip, cleft palette, family
Doubling up the days...
Well, after doing almost a week and a half of our Core B program, we have decided that our dd could handle a little more challenges, so we are going to do two days of school according to the curriculum for each day we do school. So far we are keeping to M-F schedules, but we will see how it goes.
This morning, Daddy Eagle and dc were out playing in the grass. It was a wonderful time to let the kids explore. I caught a lightning bug and gave it to HJ. She thought it was the neatest thing to see one up close. I showed her where the light came from and she was looking very intently at it. But once it took off she was pretty shocked, almost scared even. Then we looked at all the crickets we have in our backyard. I have never seen so many in all my life! They were jumping all over the yard. HJ and LA really enjoyed watching them. HJ even had one sitting in her hand for a little while. Then they started looking for the ants. WHO needs public school when God has provided an unexpected "science" lesson just by being outside. Isn't this the way school should be? HJ is enjoying the readings. Today we read a story called "Tiger eats a Monkey" At first HJ was afraid for the cute monkeys on the page. But as we read the story, the tiger was tricked into eating a horrible disgusting fruit from a tanamark (sp?) tree and the monkey was saved. She was listening very intently to the story. Mama Eagle has been doing great with keeping HJ on task with the workbook portions and we are both sharing in the stories. I think we are going to really enjoy teaching our kids.
Well, goodnight for now from the Aerie! John
Posted by Papa and Mama Eagle at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: children, homeschooling, science lesson
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tootle the train
This is Hannah's report on the story entitled Tootle:
I love the story so much. The story talked about Tootle the train. Tootle was trying to learn to stay on the tracks but he went off in the grass. But soon he grew a beard and he was big. He learned stay on the tracks. Love from Hannah Joy
Posted by Andrea at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Romps in the bed...
Our Dear Children (DC) love to romp in bed with mommy and daddy. Earlier today, DD was hiding from her brother and I. Naturally it was under the covers while mommy pretended to sleep. I'm not sure how this family bedtime started, but it continues to be a lot of fun for us. I laid down beside HJ on the other side of the bed and kept pretending that I was bumping into mommy. The next thing I hear is "hey, daddy just put his bum on my head, get it off!!!!" Naturally we started giggling and DS proceeds to bounce on his sister under the covers. These are the moments in our day that makes having kids a lot of fun.
The other thing our DC love to do is bounce like Tigger on the bed and fall forward flat onto their faces. I'm not sure how this could be much bun, but DS loves to free fall. He is such an adventurous kid and seemingly has no fear when it comes to things like that, and yet at the same time, would rather be carried down the stairs rather than walking down them by himself. Go figure. We are eternally thankful for our two children.
One last note, tonight on the way back from the "big" city near us, DD was in the back of the car singing about how Jesus died on the cross so that everyone could live with him one day. Talk about moments that make your heart proud! I can't believe that she gets the core message of the Bible already at the tender age of 4 1/2. Thank God for his grace to teach our kids what is truly important.
Posted by Papa and Mama Eagle at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Oh be careful little hands
My ds the other morning wanted his breakfast. So I poured his cereal in a bowl which usually I take to the table for him while he carries the spoon. For some reason this morning I gave him the bowl. He took it in both little hands and very carefully, looking at it the whole time, took tiny baby steps all the way to the table without spilling. Even his sister doesn't do that. How did he know to walk differently because he was holding a full bowl? My children never cease to amaze me. Such precious little creatures full of life and wonder at everything. Truly God's greatest blessing.
Posted by Andrea at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 7, 2007
Our first week of school...
I can't believe we are finally finished with our first week of school. Our DD just continues to amaze me with her grasp of learning new things. The Developing the Early Learner (DEL) workbook we have been using this week is designed to test a students perceptual skills in several areas. I don't know if our dear sister-in-law has been using these with her kids or not, but it is neat to see how DD reacts to different skills like auditory/memory skills versus perceptual skills. She is eager to try new things all the time, but she also wants to try them by herself. Her favorite phrase with me is "Daddy, you just don't understand what I'm trying to tell you." Should I really believe this or not? DD gets so frustrated when I try to even remotely explain things to her. She is obviously going to be one of those dear children who have to learn the hard knock life her own way.
On the other hand, DS is such a snuggle bug. He loves to "wock" in the rocking chair with mommie and I. He is going to be quit the charmer when he grows up. I'm not sure where he gets it from, but my dear wife says it is probably from me. It's kind of hard to resist a kid with big eyelashes and a charming smile. Watch out ladies, he may be more than you bargained for. On the other hand, he is also a very rough and tumble boy. He loves to play with daddy, especially climbing on daddy's back and bouncing all the time. I'm not sure how he is learning it, but already he is taking more boo boo's then his sister and crying less about it. DD has reached the point of hormonal influx already where one look or wrong word from me and she is in absolute tears. "What did I say or do?" My wife keeps telling me it's a "girl" thing. I sure hope so! But if she is already starting at 4 1/2 years, what is life with HJ going to be like in 10 years? Maybe that's why the kids are so charming at this age? So you don't pummel them later in life because they have already won your heart. GRRR! But that is what parenthood is all about really--loving your kids so much that you don't kill them, but at the same time learning to gently correct and discipline them for life in the real world with the hopes that one day they will learn to love the Lord Our God as much as their parents.
Well stay tuned for more in the next few weeks. We may actually find ourselves speading up our reading/homework sheets just because HJ is sooooo ready for them.
Posted by Papa Eagle at 11:55 PM 2 comments
DD is excited about gymnastics
DD was so excited today at the prospect of doing some gymnastics. If you know anything about her, she just loves to tumble, stand on her head, and any other crazy thing she can do. Tonight, we took her to one of our local fine arts centers to check it out and see about enrolling her in a gymnastics class. They only take 5-6 students per class time and were all filled up with the exception of the class we went to tonight. Needless to say, we enrolled her and she starts next week. Tomorrow will wrap up our first official week of homeschooling her. It has been fun so far. I can now understand why my wife's sister loves to use Sonlight for her children in Bangladesh. It is an awesome program and the forums that we are on have been a great way to learn about this new way of life. Our little Aerie is going to be a great learning experience for all of us. I can't wait to see what God will do for us in the upcoming year.
By the way, we are hoping that this will also be an informal way for our family to stay in contact and get to know us better. It has been hard these past several years being away from a part of the family when they are missionaries serving a much needed compound to leprosy. Obviously we can't give much details about them, but I will say we are really looking forward to their furlough in a few short months and spending some time with them. Did we mention that we are going to take a "school field trip" to Disney World? Okay, maybe not, but I think it will be awesome to really be able to compare notes about schooling, life and everything else while we are all there as a family.
As you read the post below this one, I also want to say thanks to our Papa B for helping us name our school. We love the title!
Posted by Papa and Mama Eagle at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 6, 2007
How our school got it's name
As you will notice, the name of our homeschool is unique. We spent a lot of time thinking about it and even got the help of my dad. We started with a school verse and mission taken from Isaiah 40:28-31 which reads,
"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths will grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."
We feel this verse will give our children a foundational understanding about God that will serve them lifelong. One reason we decided to homeschool is because we believe that our children need to be equipped for spiritual battles. The Bible says that in this world we WILL have trouble. I want our children to know that the only Real strength, the only Real hope, the only Real life worth living is in Jesus Christ.
An aerie is an eagle's nest. It is the safe place were baby eagles grow, are nurtured and learn to fly. We pray that our home and school is this to our children. We pray they learn to fly with Christ.
Posted by Papa and Mama Eagle at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
First day of homeschool
Mommy and dd started their first day of pre-k homeschooling yesterday. We are using the Core B package from We have been waiting a long time for this big day! Now that it has finally arrived, we are glad to be doing this. This blog will be a family effort to track the progress of our little school and family life while homeschooling. Hannah likes that "we are reading books, that we are coloring, and that I am staying in the lines." I really think Hannah will do wonderful with being homeschooled, (hs). She already knows her letters and sounds, numbers 1-20, colors, shapes, animals, and is a wonderful little girl.
Posted by Papa and Mama Eagle at 4:37 PM 0 comments