Thursday, March 6, 2008

We are almost done!

Can you believe it? Hannah has almost completed all of her preschool course. Within the next day or two, Hannah will have gone through an accelerated pace and will complete an entire year's worth of homeschooling. Okay, so someone may say that aren't you rushing things? Well, sorta, but I think Hannah deserves a great deal of credit herself. We have been homeschooling about 24-26 weeks now, and will have completed a 36 week program. Hannah was doing so well with her workbook pages and learning the alphabet, that we started doubling up on the weeks. We covered the same material, and did not skip a thing, we just took some of it quicker. About all that is left now is a few more workbook pages and reading 6-7 more short stories.

On another issue though, in lieu of California's appellate court decision yesterday, I (John) am greatly concerned with the current state of homeschooling in that state. Yesterday, the court made a huge mistake in declaring that homeschooling is unconstitutional. Three activist judges have decided to go against the US Supreme Court and many other decisions by trying to change the constitutional rights of parents by saying that the state is a better parent and that all children within the state should be schooled either in a public or private school, but homeschooling is not permitted. For more information, I would urge you to check out and follow this story from the Home School Legal Defense Association's website, or listen in to Focus on the Family this Friday, March 7th, for an update by James Dobson and Mike Ferris, founder of HSLDA. The website is


Sherilyn said...

Great eagle. Did my giraffe lead you there?

About California, I have been following the same story through Tragic and terrifying. I have to say, there are days when I am glad we don't live in the US.
