Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter blessings

As you can see, our two darlings had a wonderful Easter. We were with their Grandparents out of state and were able to participate in the Easter egg hunt at their church. Hannah found the golden egg which enabled her to receive a special prize. She was very excited.
In other news, Hannah is doing well with school. We are having a bit of a time motivating her toward reading. She did ask the other day why reading was so important. If only she knew how the whole world would open up to her if she could read. She did come up with a new word yesterday. We were coloring and when she picked up a blue crayon to color with she said "this color looks a bit lakish, like the color of a lake". I thought that was pretty smart.
Lukie is definitely his very own person with his two favorite saying of late being, "leave my alone" and "I do it myself". I was reminded of another interesting habit of his the other day, he likes to hide in my closet. There is nothing very exciting in there but clothes and shoes but he will sit in there in the dark for a long time and be very content. He often traps our cat Molly in there with him and I'm sure he tortures her. She is blessed with long-suffering however, making her our more spiritual cat. When Luke finally lets Molly out she tears right out of the room.
In the week before Easter I came upon several conversations about death and dying. The thread that wove them together was this, the people had no hope. No idea or certainty of what would happen to them or their loved one after death. This lack of hope fills me with compassion, just like it did another man 2000 years ago. Many times in the New Testament the Bible states that Jesus was filled with compassion when he saw the people because they were like sheep without a shepherd (Mark 6:34). I have never lived without hope. My parents and the church I was raised in, taught me at a young age about hope. My hope is in the Lord. Because of his great love for us, he gave himself to take my place, to reconcile me to a Holy God so that I could live in paradise forever. I have no fear of death, I have no discouragement in life. Jesus came so that I could have life, and have it to the fullest. What a wonderful gift. Praise God, my Redeemer lives!

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