Sunday, August 8, 2010


Easter this year was a beautiful day. We were able to celebrate it with a wonderful feast with Andrea's parents and John's adopted family. Of course we also had the usual Easter egg dyeing, egg hunt and hidden Easter baskets. Most of all we celebrated the most wonderful gift the world has ever know. About 2000 years ago, God sent his son to die in our place, to pay the price for our sins so that we can be made right before a perfect, loving and just God. More than that, he offered this free gift to all who believe, no matter our past. He also proved that He was ruler of death by coming back to life on Easter Sunday. Jesus is preparing a place for me in heaven, thankfully the end of this life is not death, but eternal life for all who accept God's love. I can't say I understand everything about life here and God's plan. But I am not made to understand these things, they are too great for me to know. But the one thing that is perfectly clear is that God loves me, and I love him.

It has been a joy to watch my children grow in the knowledge of God and his love for them. They often talk about what heaven will be like. They share their great anticipation to get to heaven so they can visit with relatives that have gone before. They are also looking forward to a New World that God will create, one with no death, no pain, no sorrow. They are hoping that the animals will talk there as they truly want to know what our 2 cats are thinking. I love to see the joy as they remember that this world is a temporary lay-over, our true home is heaven and they can't wait to go!

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