Friday, November 20, 2009

Bringing up Hannah

Hannah will soon be 7 and boy is she changing into her own beautiful little girl. She is beginning to take more care with her appearance and has been growing out her hair so we can braid and curl it. She loves her classes at the Christian school and even loves her classes at home most days. She is bright and smart.
Hannah continues to have a vivid imagination and regularly tells of her adventures with Peter, Tinkerbell and the pirates. She likes to help Luke a lot, even when he doesn't want help.
Hannah also thinks very deeply about certain subjects, asking some very hard questions. She doesn't stop asking until she fully understands either. Sometimes she challenges me by asking questions about God, Jesus and heaven. This week she began to question how God is one and yet three. How do you explain the trinity to a 7 year old? I love her assurance in her faith.
Three cheers for Hannah!

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