Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1, 2, 3 missing teeth!

Well, I suppose it finally had to happen that Hannah would loose both of her upper teeth. But none of us expected her to loose a third tooth as well! Yup, here we see our happy little girl missing 1, 2, 3 teeth! You can barely see one of her new teeth coming in. Needless to say, she is very cute when she talks and gives us a lot o "gums" these days.

It also amazes me how a few months can change her attitude towards school and in particular reading. She has started doing so much better now. She doesn't struggle with some of her basic words near as much as she used to. Plus she is getting quicker. We used to have to drag her while she was "kicking and screeming" about not wanting to read. Much to the consternation for the rest of us, we kept getting very frustrated over this, including her. But after a little hiatus from the reading routine, she is finally starting to catch up.

Today she went for her yearly checkup with Mommy. Afterwards, her and mommy went to someplace special. Andrea promissed her an oppotunity to either go out for lunch before her check-up or to go out for ice cream. You guessed it, Hannah still has a sweet tooth somewhere so they went to ColdStones! you think they would bring the boys back anything? Not a chance. I guess I will have to wait until Luke grows up a little more to do some of those things with him.

Luke is doing well and will be going for his yearly Craniofacial clinic in a few weeks. He continues to amaze us with his speach and actions. He is such a fun little guy. He loves to "tackle" and "tickle" on our bed. He is such a boy! Hannah, while liking to do those things as well, still remains a sweet girl and pretty mellow compared to Lukie. Luke though seems to be an endless bundle of energy that never seems to run out. He is also fearless and willing to try just about anything at this point. The only thing he truly fears is being disciplined. He hates to break our hearts or to get into trouble. Well, that is enough for now. Blessings and thanks for checking up on us.

John aka Papa Eagle.

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