Monday, January 14, 2008


These two kids are the best Christmas presents ever. They looked very beautiful for Christmas eve service.

We had a wonderful Christmas season this year. Although much busier than sometimes, it was still full of joy and family and the wonder of Christ's birth. I can't really say that I can understand how or why God would give up a perfect place like heaven to come live in such a sinful and wretched earth just so he could know us and die for us. Love like that is to wonderful for me to understand. I except it however, I could do no less. There is no one that has ever lived, or will ever live that will love like that. It is a divine and perfect love that can only come from God.

Certainly one of the highlights of Christmas was being able to share it with my sister and her family as we have not been able to do in many years. All of the children enjoyed playing together and we all enjoyed making new memories together to share.
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