Well, most parents cry when their little ones go off to school, especially if it is for the first time. I cry every year when my kids go back to school, cause I am the teacher. (Just kidding, homeschooling humor there).
I have to say that this year school caught me totally by surprise. Summer was very different than what we thought it might be and so I could not handle even the thought of school, or September, fall and cool weather either. So today we put our noses to the grind stone and got physically ready for school.
Oh, wait, this was supposed to be about school, and our life and such. Okay so we got everything ready physically and we are getting ready mentally (I have been warning the children for a week now that school would be starting). What are we doing spiritually to be ready though?
I have thought a bit about some scripture I want us all to memorize during our school year. And I have landed on 2 different ones. The Lord's Prayer and the Beatitudes. The Lords' Prayer is a classic and something I think everyone should know, but I pray we can dive deeper into the meanings of the phrases, the meat of Jesus' instructions to us on how to pray. We take it too lightly and it is our example for every prayer, it has food for our souls.
The Beatitudes, or Sermon on the Mount, is like God's little instruction book for a Christian's life. Consider this quote from Martyn Lloyd-Jones: If only all of us were living the Sermon on the Mount, men would know that there is dynamic in the Christian gospel; they would know that this is a live thing; they would not go looking for anything else.
The word of God is living, it is active, it is sustaining, it is instruction and comfort and hope and help and healing and changing and life; real life. If my children learn nothing else this year, I would pray that they learn this; God is enough, he is everything, he wants all of us, he spoke truth in the Bible, he is the only way to be ready for real life.
Here we go!